Yellowstone Cutthroat
Where the Rockies spill onto the Great Plains, the Yellowstone Cutthroat fins amongst the Grizzly bears, and biting winter winds.
Keep em' wet, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming highcountry
Bubble time, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Staying close to cover, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Sunrays, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Boulder River, Montana
Homeward bound, Yellowstone Cutthroat jumping, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
From beneath the ice, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Wyoming
Look for the shadows, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Crazy Mountains, Montana
Wild and Crazy, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Crazy Mountains, Montana
Launching, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
Finding the line, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Wyoming
Slabs of spring, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Henry's Lake, Idaho
The lineup, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana high-country
Mountain water, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana high-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Crazy Mountains, Montana
Inspection, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High-country
Crystal clear, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone River tributary
Slow shutter movement, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Absaroka Range, Montana
In the ring of the rise, Yellowstone Cutthroat rising, Absaroka Range, Montana
Cruising for windblown terrestrials, Yellowstone Cutthroat rising, Wyoming high-country
Spinner fall feast, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Pintlar Wilderness, Montana
Finning is winning, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Henry's Lake, Idaho
Bubble trout, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Pioneer Range, Montana
Fish and forest, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Pocket water, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Above tree line, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Prowling with numbers, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming Highcountry
A gang of Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Heartstopper, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone River, Montana
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Wyoming
Into the creeks, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Crazy Mountains, Montana
Aqua green, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Boulder River, Montana
Yellowstone Cutthroat cruising for damselflies
Yellowstone Cutthroat spring thunderstorm
Yellowstone Cutthroat eating terrestrials, Lee Metcalf Wilderness Area
Yellowstone Cutthroat tailing for emergers, Montana highcountry
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Slow shutter capture, Montana highcountry
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Reds and Greens, Slow shutter capture, Montana highcountry
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming high-country
Let's get the band back together, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High-country
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High-country
Upstream Run, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana Highcountry
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Shields River, Montana
Post Thunderstorm rise, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High-country
Red Gold, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Wyoming High-country
Slab of a Yellowstone Cutthroat, Secret River, Wyoming
Clear and Cold, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana High-country
Still running, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Really pretty. Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park.
Chasing fry, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Beartooth Plateau, Montana
Looking up, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone River, Montana
Double trouble, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone River, Montana
The perfect reflection, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Montana highcountry
Hiding beneath a log, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Yellowstone National Park
Highly aerated, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Madison Range, Montana
The perfect native, Yellowstone Cutthroat, Greybull River, Wyoming